繁體小說網 - 遊戲競技 - 海賊王之帝姬 - 第一百四十四章 Not a Dead END

第一百四十四章 Not a Dead END[第1頁/共4頁]

bad choice! bad sign!

i wanna trol your soul

we walk the parallel line


nothing's gonna ge my deep love for you

it is a prologue of collapse

船醫先生的聲音,聽起來很落拓,彷彿一點的壓力都冇有,“船長,我們現在在level 6,請唆使,level 6的雨之希留如何措置?”

break out!



we are the tiper


break dow's revamp all the truth and we will create a fact


i wanhe reality with the agony of doubt

yes! they are in the same time

but we are fixating on that

everything will be decided by the rules


the future has been over


卡文迪許再次吃驚,level 6莫非說的是推動城?阿誰最底層的level 6?那……他們竟然能闖進推動城,並且很安然?



everything will be decided by the rules


't you read? 't you see?

oh, we are wandering in light and darkhrough eyes