第9章 Final Fight[第1頁/共8頁]
I have all those prayers I promised if I caught the fish, he thought.But I am too tired to say them now.I better get the sack and put it over my shoulders.
“You're tired,old man,”he said.“ You're tired inside.”
I must let the first one get a good hold and hit him on the point of the nose or straight across the top of the head,he thought.
He lay in the stern and steered and watched for the glow to come in the sky.I have half of him,he thought.Maybe I'll have the luck to bring the forward half in.I should have some luck.No,he said.You violated your luck when you went too far outside.
He liked to think of the fish and what he could do to a shark if he were swimming free.I should have chopped the bill off to fight them with,he thought.But there was no hatchet and then there was no knife.
But if I had,and could have lashed it to an oar butt,what a weapon.Then we might have fought them together.What will you do now if they come in the night?What can you do?“Fight them,”he said.“ I'll fight them until I die.”