05 Crossover(異化同人)
30 OOC(Out of Character,角色本性偏差)
33 UST(Unresolved Sexual Tension,未處理情|欲)
16 Kinky(變態/怪癖)
03 Crackfic(片段)
A woman\'s face with Nature\'s own hand paintedHast thou,the master-mistress of my passion;A woman\'s gentle heart,but not acquaintedWith shifting change,as is false women\'s fashion;An eye more bright than theirs,less false in rolling,Gilding the object whereupon it gazeth;A man in hue,all\"hues\"in his controlling,Which steals men\'s eyes and wohou first created;Till Nature,as she wrought thee,fell a-doting,And by addition me of thee defeated,By adding one thing to my purpose nothing.But since she prick\'d thee out for wohy love and thy love\'s use their trasure.(譯文:你有女人般的斑斕麵孔,由造物主親手塑就,你的美,使我把你當作酷愛的情婦兼情郎;你如女人般和順,但未染上時下女人善變的惡習。你的眼睛比她敞亮,卻更少虛假;你眼神活動下把統統鍍上了一層金;翩翩如你,高居統統文雅的事物之上,迷炫男人,而使女人傾倒。造物主原想把你造為美女,但她對你著了迷,在你身上誤加了一樣東西,那東西對我卻一點用也冇有。既然造物主的目標是讓你使女人愉悅,就把愛給我,把□留給她們享用!)――莎士比亞的十四行情書